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Software ​ ​ A set of programs written for a computer to perform a particular task is called software. An instruction is a command given to ...


A set of programs written for a computer to perform a particular task is called software. An instruction is a command given to the computer to perform the certain specified operation on given data.

Categories of Software

  • System software
  • Application software
  • Web based software
  • Mobile apps (application)
  • Utility software

1. System Software

System software is software that basically makes the computer work. The software required to execute users program is called system software. It is used to control and coordinate computer hardware and software. The system software is responsible for resource management, memory management, file management, task scheduling, software repairing, language translation, and system maintenance.

System software can be classified as:

  • Operating system
  • Utility software
  • Language translator
  • Device driver

i. Operating System

An operating system is a set of system programs that control the execution of application programs and act as an interface between the user of a computer and its computer hardware. It is running all time during the operation of the computer.

It is the system software that makes a computer system useable. Without this software, a user cannot use a computer system.

Types of operating system:

  • Single user, single tasking
  • Single user, multi tasking
  • Multi user, multi tasking
  • Real Time Operating System (RTOS)

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ii. Utility Software

Utility software is a software designed to help, manage and tune the computer hardware and the software. It keeps the disk management clean and smooth.

For eg: Antivirus program, Backup utility, Disk checker, File manager, Data compression software, Disk partitioner etc

iii. Language Translator

A language translator is system software that converts statement written in one language to statement in another language such as from high level or assembly language to machine language. There are three types of translators: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.

iv. Device Driver

Device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer.

For eg: USB device, Card reader

2. Application Software

Application software is user oriented software that is used to solve the particular problem of the user and make the users task easier. It is used for word processing, databases applications and the creation and editing of spreadsheets.

Types of Application Software

  • Tailored software or customized software
  • Packaged software

i. Tailored software or customized software

Customized software is a software, developed according to the need of a particular user or organization. C, C++, Java, PHP, Python is used for developing tailored software. 

For eg: Hotel reservation software, e-payment software

ii. Packaged software

Packaged software is a generalized set of programs designed and developed for general purpose. All word processing, database, graphics, animation, web designing software are packaged software.

Differences between Application software and System software

S.N Application Software S.N System Software
 1. It is user-oriented software.  1. It is hardware oriented software.
 2.   It is a specific purpose software.            2. It is general purpose software.
 3. It is usually expensive.  3. It is either cheaper or provided of free of cost.
 4. A computer runs without application  software.  4. A computer cannot be operated without system  software.
 5. It is comparative easier to develop.  5. It is difficult to develop and require a high level of  intelligence.

3. Web Based Software

A web based software is application software that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP rather than existing within a device memory. Web applications are also known as web apps. It includes light applications like Flash games, online calculators, calendars, web-based email and so on.
For eg: Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet

4. Mobile Application

A mobile application is a software application developed specifically for use on small, wireless computing devices, such as smart phones and tablets. It executes when we press an icon on the mobile device, such as an iPad or Android phone.
Feature of Mobile Application
  • Faster access speed
  • Instant online and offline access
  • Push notification and instant updates
  • Interactive engagement

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